Nervous Air Traveler? Try This!

My Papaw has never been too keen on airplanes. And who can blame him? The thunderous roar of the engines and every turbulent jolt reminding us of our mortality—whew!—it’s a wonder any of us get on a plane.

You know how moms say the baby’s smile makes them forget the labor pain? Well it’s the same for the view from the plane window. ✨

First, let me remind you of some things you (probably) do every day that are waaay more dangerous than flying as a passenger in a commercial airplane:

  1. 🚘 Driving a Car — Statistically, driving a car is much riskier than flying in an airplane.

  2. 🚶🏻‍♀️ Crossing the Street — Pedestrians face risks from traffic accidents while crossing streets.

  3. 🔪 Cooking — Everyday cooking involves hot surfaces, sharp objects, and hazards in the kitchen.

  4. 🔌 Using Household Appliances — Mishandling appliances can lead to electrical shock or fire.

  5. 👣 Taking the Stairs — Slips, trips, and falls on stairs cause injuries—even fatal ones—that are more common than airplane accidents.

You big ole risk-taker, you! Look at all the perils you face daily that you didn’t even notice. It’s because: the more we become familiar with an activity, the safer we perceive it to be. Notice I didn’t say it becomes safer… it’s only our perception that changes. Life is a mental game. This will be true for you with air travel also. The more you fly, the more safe you will feel.

Here’s another thing to try, especially if you are dreading a long flight: go to the movies. Yes, I’m serious, go to the movie theater! 🍿

I’m not even joking, these aren’t much more comfortable than economy seats on most planes. Verrrry similar.

In fact, it would be best if the cinema is near your airport (familiarize yourself with the drive) and if the theater is completely full of people (pick something brand new or go on a weekend). You say, Hannah, this makes no sense—how is this like flying?

Ok, ok, hear me out:

  • 📲 You can pick your seat in the app for most movie theaters, just like on the airline’s app or website.

  • 🎟️ You scan your ticket on your phone… just like a boarding pass.

  • 🥤 You can’t bring in outside drinks… kinda like security in the airport?? Ok, I’ll admit this one is a stretch, but conveniently just like on a plane you can purchase drinks and snacks for 10x the price of a grocery store.

  • ⏱️ You gotta be on time. I mean technically they will probably let you in to the film if you’re late, but for the sake of this exercise just pretend it’s super important.

  • 👥 You will have to sit next to other people, but it’s really not so bad (again just like a flight). This is your test run to strategize seating options and see if you can successfully share an armrest with a stranger.

  • 🚽 You may need to use the restroom and momentarily inconvenience the person next to you. This will teach you if you are an Aisle Person and can’t stand asking someone to let you use the lavatory or maybe it’s no big deal and you’re Team Window Seat™️ like me (for the views!).

  • 🧟‍♀️ If you’re really terrified of flying pick a horror movie for the full effect! Just kidding. Don’t do that. This one’s a joke. 😆

  • The most common way to pass the time on a flight is to watch movies. Bring some favorites, but pretty much all flights these days provide some sort of entertainment—either in their app (download before you’re in the air!) or on a screen in front of you.

  • 🎥 Let’s say you have an upcoming flight that’s 6 hours and you’re dreading sitting for that long. After a 3 hour movie, ask yourself, “could I sit through another movie right now?” if the answer is yes (and it probably will be) congratulations! You’re ready to fly.

I’m being a little bit silly, but I really think this could be an effective method to familiarize yourself with the routine of flying. You will successfully go through the motions of a remarkably similar experience and—assuming you’re driving there & crossing the street from the parking lot—accomplish an activity way riskier than taking a flight. 🎬

If this isn’t helping, try Dial A Pilot. It’s a brand new service that allows you to talk to a professional airline pilot about your exact flight. They can tell you where to expect turbulence, safety features about your plane, the training the crew has to go through… you can ask them anything! ☎️

If you find yourself on the flght and you hit some turbulence and you think “Going to see Oppenheimer last week didn’t do anything to prepare me for thisss!” First, breathe. Breathe. 😌 Next, try the 54321 Method.

The 54321 Method is a cognitive behavioral technique designed to help manage anxiety and stress in the moment. It's a simple grounding exercise that involves using your senses to bring your focus back to the present and reduce feelings of anxiety or panic. Here's how it typically works:

  1. 👀 Name 5 things you can see: Look around and identify five objects in your environment. This helps shift your attention away from anxious thoughts and towards your surroundings.

  2. 🖐🏼 Name 4 things you can touch: Identify four things you can physically touch. This brings your focus to the sensations you're experiencing in the present moment.

  3. 👂🏼 Name 3 things you can hear: Listen carefully and identify three sounds you can hear. This engages your sense of hearing and further grounds you in the present.

  4. 👃🏼 Name 2 things you can smell: Identify two smells you can detect. If there are no noticeable smells, you can skip this step or imagine pleasant scents.

  5. 👅 Name 1 thing you can taste: Finally, identify one thing you can taste. If you're not currently eating or drinking, you can focus on the taste in your mouth or imagine a taste.

Buuuut… if you’re like me then every time you remember to use the technique you can’t remember which order they go in and try to start listing 5 things you can smell. 😅 Click to download one of the wallpapers below to use on your phone’s lock screen (or make your own on

If you’re a nervous air traveler, bookmark this page to read before your next trip. Deciding to go is the hard part, once you have things booked all you have to do is show up and the pilot and their crew will get you to your destination safely.

You got this! 💪🏼♥️


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